Network Spinal Analysis FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an adjustment?
The specific application of forces used to facilitate the body's correction of the nerve interference and to restore normal function.

What is a subluxation?
A subluxation is a misalignment of the bones and/or tension of the associated nerve tissue. This tension causes interference in the nervous system, thereby lowering our potential for optimal health and well-being.

What is involved in a Network Spinal Analysis session?
During a session in our office the NSA practitioner will be addressing the neurological, bony and muscular components of your problem. Precisely timed gentle adjustments are given which allow the body to release the unhealthy patterns it has developed. During the NSA session the practitioner may also use some massage or manual therapy techniques such as gentle stretching/holding of the muscles in the extremeties or spine which are pulling on the spinal structures. This allows for optimal health.

Is there evidence that NSA works?
A retrospective study of Network patients conducted within the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology College of Medicine, University of California reported that 95% of the respondents reported that their expectations had been met and 99% wished to continue care.

Why doesn't just one adjustment "hold"?
When you have an unhealthy pattern in your body there are "layers" of the problem. As you receive adjustments the body structure will be changing. Along the way in creating this unhealthy pattern you developed compensation for an injury, then compensation for the compensations, etc. When you get rid of a tension pattern from the body the movement of your body will help to re-enforce this healthy pattern in you. You may feel sore as you are using different muscles as you adapt. You also may be uncovering something that the surface pattern had been compensating for as you move closer to the core problem. In addition, daily stresses may be creating new stress patterns. As you remove these unhealthy patterns the body is functioning better and you will be less likely to develop unhealthy patterns as the mechanics of the body have improved.

What is different about Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)?
This technique honors what your body needs at any specific moment by carefully analyzing very specific indicators. It works with you to help your system get more independent in self-correcting. NSA utilizes a network of other techniques tailored to your need and works in the most gentle fashion possible.

Why does the practitioner keep re-checking my feet during the session?
As you receive a Network treatment the chiropractor will be carefully addressing the area of the body that is creating the most tension or pulling at that moment. By observing different parameters in the body including the leg length,tension on the heels, rotation of the feet, etc. the chiropractor is able to know exactly which area is ready to move at that moment. In addition, as the chiropractor successfully corrects the problem they will observe the parameters change and reveal the next area which should be addressed. The body pattern determines which area should be addressed and with what modality. For example, the forward pulling of the head may be causing stress in the low back as the body is mechanically not operating well. If the doctor only addressed the area that hurt they would not get the best or lasting results.

What is the environment like that I am treated in?
During your session you will be encouraged to move if you want. As your body unwinds the unhealthy patterns you may feel the urge to lift/stretch, you may begin to breathe more fully into an area that was previously not moving with the breath. This is your body at work healing itself. When this occurs the practitioner may leave you alone to complete that cycle. They may observe your movements to determine what you are working on and use that data to determine what to do next. Due to this process you will be adjusted alongside other patients. This allows the doctor to let you have time to process the work that was done and to also observe you simultaneously. You may observe some of the other patients moving, some of them resting and others may be doing stretches, etc. the doctor has given them. You will be in the adjusting room typically 20-40 minutes. Talking is allowed but this is a time for listening to the clues that your body is giving you and relaxing your mind. The doctor will know your history and be observing your objective findings and getting right to work on correcting them. Please do not make or answer phone calls in the treatment area.

Is Network Spinal Analysis a preventative technique?
NSA can be utilized to enhance wellness and ultimately that should be the goal. It is also a very good technique for painful and functional problems. Many patients start with the goal of eliminating pain and continue as Wellness patients as they notice they feel better overall when they are regularly receiving Network sessions.

Will my insurance cover NSA?
Many insurance companies will cover chiropractic services including Network care. Insurance companies will not cover for wellness or maintenance care. Insurance companies will pay only for initial acute program and in some instances to correct or support a serious structural program. We suggest that you continue on one of our affordable wellness plans when you reach this phase in care to help you reach your optimal state of health and for prevention.

Who should be treated with NSA?
Our chiropractors can evaluate a condition to determine if this care is appropriate for anyone with a painful or structural problem. We will refer you if its not. All individuals can benefit from having their nervous systems "tuned up". The adjustments are applied to the body in a gentle, non-intrusive way thus allowing us to work SAFELY with patients of all ages and with people with such delicate conditions such as disc herniation and osteoporosis. The research study on Network demonstrated a statistically significant, profound and consistent improvement in health and wellness issues including: improved flexibility, fewer colds or flu, decreased moodiness, temper and angry outbursts, improved ability to think and concentrate, less pain, fewer headaches, more energy, less fatigue (and more).

A copy of the research summary is available upon request at the front desk 

Office Hours



9:45 am - 8:00 pm


7:45 am - 8:00 pm


7:45 am - 8:00 pm


7:45 am - 8:00 pm


7:45 am - 7:15 pm


8:30 am - 3:00 pm


10:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:45 am - 8:00 pm
7:45 am - 8:00 pm
7:45 am - 8:00 pm
7:45 am - 8:00 pm
7:45 am - 7:15 pm
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Our Location

Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre